Say Yes

Say ‘Yes’ and figure it out afterwards

Saying Yes, means that you get “more” in your life and your work. However, It is not about being a “yes person” or feeling pressured to do things you don’t want to. It’s about having the courage and conviction to do the things that are right and that you want to. We could all do with saying Yes, more often and seeing where it leads.

It’s about living a fuller life and adding to your own potential as a person and Leader. Saying Yes brings miracles and opportunities that exceed your expectations. :Find a way to say yes to things.

10 Reason to unleash The Power of Saying Yes

 1.    You block the miracle if you don’t say yes 
Opportunities must be seized, and they frequently do not wait for the ideal moment. "Start before you are ready" is a key idea. When we turn down opportunities, we frequently also choose down the fun and learning possibilities that go along with them.

 2.    There are more reasons to say No…
When we need to take a big decision and when all odds seem against it, try to listen to the voice inside you that says Yes. Pay attention to that little positive vibe, and see where it carries. It’s not Yes, at all costs, just make sure you don’t just default to No.

 3.    People will believe you can.
To have an option of saying, Yes, means that someone believes you can achieve something. Take this opportunity as a compliment and harness the confidence that other people have in you.

 4.    Yes leads to more open doors.
It’s better to regret what you have done than what you haven’t, and saying yes to a path could lead to many opportunies that my my not have come your way had you said ‘No’

 5.    Opportunities do not always arise again.
Our lives occasionally depend heavily on luck. There may be further opportunities, but we might regret the one we passed up. Thoughtfully weighing your alternatives is important, but sometimes the best way to understand what's going on is to follow your instinct. Serendipity is a wonderful thing.

 6.    Yes attracts positivity.
People that say yes more often do more things, they create more and it can be argued, have more colourful lives. 

 7.    Yes helps you grow.
There’s no “Think Outside the Box” without saying Yes to the unknown. Saying yes enables us to step outside of our comfort zones and explore the possibilities that arise.

 8.    Yes Helps Discovering.
By saying Yes you can learn a new language, discover a new hobby, meet new friends. You will find even more opportunities because a No closes the discussion typically. Yes creates loops of continuous opportunities to say Yes and discover novelty.

 9.    Life is short. Ask not why, but why not?
Here is real courage. It is a way to add perspective and abandon our fears. Taking a chance on the unknown can make us better people.

 10.    Yes leads to knew interests

 And that means that you become more interesting by default. You’ll have more to experiences and talk about, which in turn, widens your range of emotions and can lead to opportunities that you may have not know existed for you.

The Power of Saying Yes

The biggest issue with saying yes can be how much we value ourselves.

Some people feel proud at the No they say; it gives them an aura of authority. But I hope you understood why such a tiny three-letter word, makes so much of a difference.  

Saying “Yes” requires work, commitment, and accountability, and that can feel scarey, especially as your opportunity might seem to be a bit edgy or a bit out of your comfort zone. But here’s the reality: a positive response will always give you more than a no.  A no is guaranteed failure.

A Yes is the fun of discovery and learning. The Power of Saying Yes is about saying yes to life and to watch as life rewards you. So what do you say?


It's Okay to Fail